everything that's on my mind

(as if there's not already enough people doing this)

Thursday, September 22, 2005



I don't watch much network TV, unless it's sports, but one show I do watch is Lost. The season two premiere was last night and it was great to have it back on with new episodes. I just happened to see the pilot a year ago, and haven't missed an episode yet. It's probably a close 2nd to being my favorite show (behind USA's Monk). And those are about the only 2 shows I watch regularly.

Season one is on DVD now. If you haven't watched it, go rent it this weekend and watch them all, so you can start watching season two. It's the best network show on right now.

And while you're at it, Monk seasons 1, 2 and 3 are also on DVD. You should be watching it, too.

Dr. Phil

By the way, here's something I've been wondering about Dr. Phil: Who the heck is this guy? I saw him on television again last night. He's constantly on TV telling people how they're screwing up their lives and what to do about it, or pushing some book he's written. Why should anyone listen to him? What's he ever done? Why is he famous? The only thing I can figure out is that people listen to him (and have thus made him famous) because Oprah said to. And don't even get me started on Oprah...

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