everything that's on my mind
(as if there's not already enough people doing this)
Monday, October 03, 2005
Be sure and check out the Wallace & Gromit movie this week, especially if you have kids. Looking forward to seeing it sometime in the next couple of weeks with my daughter.
Work is keeping me quite busy the last week or so, working extra hours, and will likely continue to for a while, so I may not be finding as much time to post. However, I always list my favorite books and music at the end of every year, and in anticipation of that, I'll give you a few things I'm reading now and music I'm listening to a lot recently. Since I mentioned Todd Agnew and Switchfoot recently regarding their new discs, I'm leaving them off. But here's 5 books and 5 discs I will recommend.
Making Sense of Church: Eavesdropping on Emerging Conversations about God, Community, and Culture - Spencer Burke Nearly halfway through this... a mixture of commentary by burke on emerging topics as well as posts he selected from theooze.com commenting on the same topics. Very good so far.
Seizing Your Divine Moment: Dare to Live a Life of Adventure - Erwin Raphael McManus I mentioned this in my last post. Still reading through this and liking it a lot.
God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It - Jim Wallis I've read a good part of this, maybe halfway as well. Wallis has a lot of good to say, although I don't buy into everything he says. But it has been worth the time so far.
Flashbang : How I Got Over Myself - Mark Steele I've only read the first chapter of this. It was hilarious, so I bought it, with the anticipation that it will continue to be both hilarious and thought-provoking.
The Gospel According to Moses: What My Jewish Friends Taught Me about Jesus - Athol Dickson This was recommended to me, and the first chapter (again, that's all I've read so far) made me look forward to reading the rest.
Clay Crosse - Eternity with you An album by the worship team at my sister's church in Memphis, where Crosse is the worship leader. Very well done album that our whole family listens to all the time.
Grace Church - Worship In The City Another church's album, by the team at Grace Church here in Little Rock. Got it a few weeks ago and I can't stop listening to it.
Lincoln Brewster - All to You Brewster releases his first live disc recently and it is very good. I was waiting for something new by him and it was well worth the wait.
Blind Boys of Alabama - Atom Bob I actually heard these guys sing on "Imus in the Morning" on MSNBC one morning several months back, and later bought this. I love this disc.
Project 86 - And The Rest Will Follow Project 86 is one of my favorites of recent years. It's hard and loud and Schwaub screams a lot. But I love it. My wife heard me playing it Saturday night and said "how could that possibly be enjoyable?" It is, trust me.
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