everything that's on my mind
(as if there's not already enough people doing this)
Monday, November 21, 2005
The Clinton library
Just days after the 1-year anniversary of it's opening, I made my first visit to the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library today. It was not under the ideal of circumstances - namely, with the kids. My wife's family was in town and wanted to go
. So everyone loaded up and went over to the east side (like the Jefferson's). We didn't spend as much time there as one should, because children quickly become bored in such a place. But we just wanted to get an idea of what it was like. We hope to go back soon "child-free".
It's a pretty fascinating place. I've never been to a presidential library before, but I enjoyed the hour and and a half I spent there, and look forward to returning. There was so much to look at, but several things stood out and drew my interest in my relatively quick walk-through.
There were many personal letters to and from President Clinton on display. Some a little more formal, some a little less. It was interesting reading through some of those.
Daily Schedules
It was fascinating to look at the daily schedules of the President. You could do so on touch-screens for any day of his presidency. It's really amazing what they do every day.
State Gifts
These were pretty neat. Various gifts given by foreign leaders and other people. Some cool looking swords and daggers, which were my favorites.
Oval Office
The "exact replica" of the Oval Office was neat, but I've got to say it seemed smaller than I would have imagined. It always looks bigger in TV shows and movies. Martin Sheen seems to have a lot more space than President Clinton did.
Childhood items
Various things from his childhood, including badges from cub scouts, school report cards and yearbooks, other photographs and at least one picture he'd drawn as a child.
So much information. So much to watch and read. That's why I want to go back - to look at and absorb more of these type of things.
So, it was a relatively quick visit (and at times distracting with children who were far less interested), but I look forward to returning.
Michigan State
In basketball news, so much for Michigan State. While they won this afternoon, The Sporting News' preseason #1 lost by 22 to Hawaii. Yes, Hawaii. Hopefully it had something to do with the long trip. That's pretty bad.
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