everything that's on my mind

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Friday, November 04, 2005


A precious gift

I mentioned recently the tragic death of Kyle Lake, and UBC Waco has posted an excerpt from the last sermon he wrote which is worth reading.

David Crowder Band (David is the worship pastor at UBC) has posted a couple of notes on their website, and in
this one there is a picture of Kyle with his family dated 10/29/05, the day before his tragic death. I grieve as I look at the picture because my own children are so young, like his children are. I see the faces of Kyle's children and it just breaks my heart that they can no longer welcome him home after work, sit in his lap as he reads to them, have him sing them to sleep at night, play with him in the back yard, or just have him there to hold them during the storms of life. I think about my own kids when I look at that picture, and it is too hard to bear the thought of them having to say goodbye to me at such a young age.

As the page at DCB's site says, 'death is swallowed up in victory'. While he has finished the race and will receive his reward, the picture still haunts me, and I must admit that I wonder sometimes what God is thinking. And I suppose I'm a little too foolish and arrogant when I think that it would be better if He would prevent things like this from happening. Perhaps I haven't learned well enough the story of Job.

Nevertheless, I must trust Him - even when He doesn't make sense - and take advantage of the time that I have, recognizing and treasuring the very precious gift that life in this world is.

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