everything that's on my mind

(as if there's not already enough people doing this)

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Time to read them again

As you may have guessed, I love to read. I wish I had more time to read. If only sleep and/or work were not necessary, I could probably read a lot more. But since they are, then I do what I can.

Next year, I am planning to do something I've said I was going to do at various times in the past, and that is this: take some time to re-read some of my favorite books. Every time I read a book I really like, I often think "I'd like to read that again and take my time, trying to get everything out of it I can." Well, next year I hope to do just that. For some of them, I wanted to do this a long time ago, so I figure it's time to finally read them again.

Generally, every year, I make out a long list of books I want to read for the year (usually many more books than I'll actually have time to read). Then, as the year moves on, I add other books to that, often new books released during the year, or others that I've just discovered. In 2006, I'm probably going to do the same thing, but make two lists instead of one. I'll list out unread books that I hope to read, as usual. Then, I'll also create a list of maybe 8 or 10 books I hope to re-read this year and really spend some time in. Here are the books that I am currently considering (one of which I just read this year), and will likely trim down by a few books:

  • Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom
  • Your God is Too Safe - Mark Buchanan
  • Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire - Jim Cymbala
  • Celebration of Discipline - Richard Foster
  • The Work of his Hands - Ken Gire
  • Windows of the Soul - Ken Gire
  • In The Grip of Grace - Max Lucado
  • The Ragamuffin Gospel - Brennan Manning
  • Seizing Your Divine Moment - Erwin McManus
  • Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller
  • Rich Mullins : An arrow pointing to heaven - James Bryan Smith
  • Sacred Parenting - Gary Thomas
  • The Jesus I Never Knew - Philip Yancey
  • What's So Amazing About Grace? - Philip Yancey

    Along that note, I added my "year end" lists for books & music out here the other day. You can see the links in the right sidebar now under The Year In Books & Music. I started this in 1997, I think, sending it out by email each December, but long ago lost my lists for 1997-1999. So, what I still have is now available here.

    Looking around on the Clinton library site I noticed his favorite books listed in
    his bio. I checked it to see if we had anything in common. I did notice two books on the list which I own, but have not yet read, so I guess there's a little similarity, but not much. By the way, the two books were:

  • The Imitation of Christ - Thomas à Kempis
  • Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 1954-63 - Taylor Branch

    I've had Imitation... for years, but never have gotten around to it, and probably still won't for a while. I do want to read Branch's book soon, so it may go on my first list next year.

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