everything that's on my mind
(as if there's not already enough people doing this)
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
God and country
I wanted to point to a few posts on rev-ed's blog. I don't know him, but came across these posts from somewhere else, and thought they were worth reading and sharing. It seems the subject of God/Christianity and America has come up a lot in recent years, and I'm not sure I care for a lot of it. Many of his comments reflect the way I've thought of this in the recent past as well. It doesn't really seem appropriate for American flags to be displayed prominately in church sanctuary's, and it seems even less appropriate to sing "patriotic songs" from the hymnbook. I also don't care to hear about an upcoming election on Sunday morning, even if it's just a reminder to vote, because it always seems there's something behind that - in other words, be sure and vote for the "approved" candidate.
Anyway, here's the links to three of his posts which I thought were worth reading (in chronological order):
The Star-Spangled Idol
Is American Culture Compatible With Christianity?
Separating God and Country
And the first post there also points to another blogger who writes about The One True Christian Nation, also worth reading.
TV Tonight
I'm excited about new episodes of Lost starting up again tonight. The last new episode was in November, I believe, so I'm anxious to get back to the island.
Also, Maryland at Duke is on EPSN at 8 PM (CST). My prediction: Duke 81, Maryland 65
Glory Road
I'm looking forward to seeing Glory Road, which is the story of the 1966 Texas Western basketball team and their national championship. I read Frank Fitzpatrick's book And The Walls Came Tumbling Down : Kentucky, Texas Western, And The Game That Changed American Sports a couple of years ago and definitely recommend it. I hope the movie is as good. Of course, I'll probably not see it until it hits DVD. I rarely go the theater to see a movie anyway, and I still haven't seen two others (Walk The Line and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe) that I want to see, either.
Speaking of Kentucky, they continued driving further off the "glory road" last night, losing at home to Vanderbilt, 57-52. They only had 20 points at halftime. Maybe Morris isn't going to help after all.
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