everything that's on my mind
(as if there's not already enough people doing this)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Together for the last time
I first started listening to "contemporary Christian music" in the mid-80's when I bought Michael W Smith's album The Big Picture. I didn't listen to much of it over the next few years - a little Petra, DeGarmo & Key, Mylon LeFevre, etc. - but I began listening to much more about the time I graduated college in 1990. One of the early groups I hooked up with was 4 Him.
I think I went to a 4 Him concert before I even had any of their music. While living in Memphis right out of college, I made my way out to Central Church to a 4 Him concert and heard them for the first time. I don't recall what prompted me to go, but I used to go to a lot of concerts at that time - even when I wasn't familiar with the artists - mainly because so many of them were free (with the obligatory love offering) or at least very cheap. So, I'd go and check out whoever came to town. And after watching 4 Him that first time, I became a big fan of their music.
Over the next six years, I managed to see 4 Him in concert a total of either six or seven times. In other words, at least once a year. I've seen them more times than any other artist. They became one of my favorites. I'm convinced they are one of the reasons for the popularity of later groups like Point of Grace, Avalon and Phillips, Craig & Dean. I saw them so many times primarily because I could. They were coming regularly to Memphis and Little Rock, where I lived during that time. Other bands that I liked much better - like Petra, for example - never came to my towns. I always had to travel to see them (and only 4 times did I get that chance.) But 4 Him always came to my town.
However, somewhere along the way, probably around 1997 or so, I began to listen to less and less of the pop artists in CCM. Less of Steven Curtis Chapman, less of Bryan Duncan, and less of 4 Him as well. I haven't listened to them much in the last six or seven years, to be certain. I've gone back to the kind of stuff I listened to more in high school and college, i.e. stuff that rocks. You'll more likely find me listening to Chevelle, Evanescence, Skillet, Thousand Foot Krutch, King's X, MxPx, P.O.D., Switchfoot, Pillar, 12 Stones, Third Day, Project 86 - even Alice Cooper and Iron Maiden.
But when I heard the 4 Him was about to hang it up as a group (like Petra and Audio Adrenaline recently), and that their n
ew disc Encore was a re-recording of some of their hits, I had to check it out. It contains 8 songs rerecorded in full, as well as a medley of 4 others. There is also one new song, and then the last 4 tracks are solo tracks by each of the members. It's better than your average greatest hits disc in that it actually gives new sound to older songs and makes them sound more current than the originals - especially the oldest ones. In fact, I'd say my favorite is the oldest on the disc, "Where There Is Faith" from their very first album.
Listening to it has made me remember why I was such a big 4 Him fan during the early and mid-90's. They are also, of course, advertising their final tour together and last night, as we were listening to the disc while making dinner, my wife said, "Did you ever find out if their coming here on this last tour?" I said, "No, I didn't, but I"m going to find out now." I went to their website immediately and checked out their tour schedule, and found that they indeed will be here in May at Park Hill Baptist Church over in North Little Rock. When I went to Park Hill's website, I found that I could order tickets online, which I did without hesitation.
I've missed 4 Him a lot during the last several years. I didn't really know I had until recently when I started listening to this new disc. But now I know, and before they go for good, I am very much looking forward to seeing 4 Him "together for the last time."
May 2004
August 2005
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April 2006